Hourglass District, Orlando, Florida

Curry Ford West

The site on Curry Ford West contained two separate nodes adjacent from each other, divided by a major roadway. Analyzing the community within Curry Ford, and the demographic of those passing through, this site was categorized by two separate programs; leisure and stimulation. Using physical diagrams and abstract model building, as displayed below, we engaged the relationship between these two nodes.

Designed to engage. Designed to involve. Designed to include. Curry Ford West.

Leisure Render 4.jpg


The leisure node was designed to reflect a relaxing environment onto the individual.

This portion of the site included programs such an open studio parallel to a staple restaurant of the community, Daybreak Diner. This structure also produces an open gallery, a library, and an immense portion designated for moments of pause. These moments involve engagement through visual reciprocation.

Stimulation render 4.jpg


The stimulation node was designed to engage the community.

This portion of the site included programs such as craft market and lessons and a professional gallery. Shops and restaurants work in tandem with an open courtyard. This node thrives in the circulation it promotes through multiple demographic within Curry Ford’s community.